If anyone has any pictures from the raceways in the Joliet area, I'd sure be interested in seeing them. (see pic.) I still have a few of those same ribbons. On the back cover of PDL's Vintage Slot Cars book, the top picture shows one of Bob Hains' cars, a Revell Raceways track time card, and four American Raceway race ribbons from the Joliet Raceway. Tub Track, a Yellow Windsor, a Black Royal 95', a Red Imperial 150', and last but certainly not least a Purple Soverign 220' I spent most of my time on the Red Imperial 150', and the Purple Soverign 220'. I remember walking in there at the age of 12, and thinking Wow, there is a heaven.
The first commercial raceway I ever visited, and later raced at was The American Model Raceway located on Mills road on the South side of Joliet.
A couple of the places that I raced at as a kid are on the list.